Parents and Students Welcome Increased Security Measures at Ohio State University Following Spike in Violent Crime


Parents and students at Ohio State University (OSU) welcomed additional security measures announced by Ohio State President Kristina Johnson.

The added security actions will provide $20 million over the next 10 years to improve safety for students on and around the university’s campus.

According to Johnson, the extra funds will be used to hire private security and install additional mobile lighting around the area where students live.

“I believe absolutely it was a response to the parent shining a light on OSU, what has been going on, especially with the billboards and that combined with the terrifying shooting last night, I think pressed the university administration to act and I am very thankful that they have,” Jo Varnish, a parent of an OSU freshman, told WZYX.

The announcement from Johnson follows a spike in violent crime near the campus. Furthermore, the increase in violent encounters sparked concern among parents of students.

“Parents for a Safe OSU” organized a public campaign, including purchasing messages on multiple billboards, to bring the concerns to the attention of the university’s administration.

“While we appreciate President Johnson’s efforts and finally publicly addressing the violent crimes being committed against OSU students, we are cautiously optimistic but also frustrated. If they can do this today, they could’ve done this a year ago and with greater urgency that would’ve saved so many of these poor students from being victimized. The passive manner in how OSU handles safety is endangering the lives of so many people,” the group said in a statement after the announcement from President Johnson.

“They know they’re under the microscope now with more than just our eyes on them and it shouldn’t have to take billboards and drive-by shootings to get them to act.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “OSU campus” by The Ohio State University.


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